Okay, I am a person who fears things like raising my hand to volunteer, and I hate deadlines, not that I don't enjoying helping a person or completing something, I do, it is just that moment of sheer panic that hots me initially is a big issue. I volunteer all the time. Mostly for church, with meals for the sick, or pots of soup, etc., for a ward party, as I love to cook, a lot! As for deadlines, I am a planner so it shouldn't be a big deal to plan, as I am a big list maker, groceries, chores, dreams, all go on a list. It is just as the time for completion gets closer I go into panic mode.
For family Christmas gifts this year I am now in full panic mode. But, back in March of this year, 2011, you would have thought and probably told me, "already...you will have plenty of time." Now, in mid November, not so much! You see, I got this huge idea, to save money, I would hand make everyone a gift this year, a cross stitched Christmas ornament, and not just one, but a different "set" for each person, family or couple. Which initially wasn't so bad, some of the ones I picked to make out of the 6 or 7 patterns/books that I have only had 4 or 6 in the set, but they took time. Time that I thought I had...and now I am running out!
But, a plus, I have gotten them almost done. The cross stitch is completed for everyone, and now I am just trying to mount each and everyone of then so that I can wrap them, in a cute package, and all the other wrapping ideas that pop into my head at this time of year.
I have to tell you though I ask for work and the trouble that goes with it. I decided yesterday during my toddler's naptime that I would hand color, using colored pencils, cute pictures to use as tags for the same hand made gifts so I got that done, then last night at 10:45 p.m. if that wasn't enough, I got this big idea to tie small ribbon bows to make refridgerator magnets for these same people getting these gifts. Time is running out, and I am knee deep in cross stitch floss, and ribbon! The picture included is in one of the books that I have, but in the next couple of days I will postactually pictures of what I have made. The neat thing, some of the pattern books that i have are 25+ years old. The ornaments are still cute and timeless!
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