It just sets me into a panic! Tomorrow afternoon Robyn has a follow-up appointment in Boise at her Surgeon's office, and there is, as usual, so much to get done between now and then! Other than the usual, laundry, dishes, cleaning the kitchen, the bathrooms, the cleaning out of all the containers that have accumulated in the fridge full of leftovers, the house in general, there is the list of things to take that has to be made, the packing, of the essentials for four of us, the "treat/essentials" for the two little ones. You know those, the toys and blankets and pajamas that they cannot live without for even one moment. I have gotten a bit smarter in my old-er age and they each have a backpack that they know is just for their special things.
You would think that going to Boise wouldn't be such a big thing, but it is. Boise is a two-hour drive, one way, and Robyn's appointment is at 4 p.m. So, the plan is to spend the night afterwards at my parents house 45 minute by car further west of Boise. And, because I am such a wonderful daughter, we are going to pick up dinner, probably Chinese, somewhere along the way so that they do not have to cook for all of us. The fun part about getting ready today is that on top of all of that, my Dad's birthday was Sunday and Robyn decided that Grandpa needs a Chocolate Cake with Sprinkles on top, so that they can sing the "Happy Cake" song to him. So I will be making the cake this a.m. and they can add the sprinkles later on. Did I mention that I had to go to Walmart last night to get the cake fixings, and incidentally spent way too much money on other things that looked so good, because I went there hungry...oh, well such is life I guess. So, that is why I feel that the picture above is going to be me about an hour from now...
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