Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another way to be frugal with food...

Have you seen the price of bread at the grocery store lately?  All bread is, is flour, and water, and yeast, with maybe a few other ingredients tossed in occasionally.  My husband use to like a certain type of bread that on the label stated that it was a "2 pound loaf".  That bread was actually good for store-bought bread, but the price over the years has rise, and now runs about $3.85 a loaf, yes, per loaf.  And, so with a husband who eats for the most part two sandwiches each day, one kind for breakfast, and one for lunch, that gets pricey. 

Three years ago, we decided to change that and I started making bread here at home.  I still use the same basic flour, water, yeast, a little bit of sugar, and an egg, but the price is a whole lot different.  I spend less than half for two loaves to the store-bought one. 

This one looks a lot prettier that mine do, but you get the idea.  We do actually save money, inspite of the not so sad fact that we now eat more bread.  Could you blame us, it just tastes so good!  It does my heart good, not to mention my ego when, on the occasion I do buy a loaf at the store, my husband tells me, "You NEED to make more bread, this just doesn't taste right." 

I have a recipe now for sheepherder bread, and the recipe appears similar to what I already do, just in a different style of pan so I hope to try making that this winter. 

Don't get me wrong, I have not completely stopped buying bread at the store.  I still buy hamburger and hot dog buns, but I just haven't quite gotten the hang of those, but I do have a recipe.  Maybe I will start that after I conquer the Sheepherder loaves.

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