I say the following practically every month, that "This month, I will share my testimony in church!" I even say it with conviction, in my head, anyway. Last year was pretty good for me sharing-wise, I got up during fast and testimony meeting three different times, in three different months. Which is pretty good, if you, like I, was following what our Stake Presidency challenged us to do, which among other things was to share our testimony once in the year 2011. But, 2011 is not 2012. I so wanted to start off on a positive foot, and share my testimony by now, but sometimes you have a strong feeling from the Spirit that actually lifts you off the chair and in the general direction of the podium, but I have not had that happen yet, as in the past. There were some wonderful testimonies shared, mostly concerning missionary work, and temple attendance, there was even a wonderful testimony shared concerning the wonderful kindness of members of our Ward, and how that had touched one family in particular. I don't know about your Ward, but we as a Ward have been asked to focus our testimonies on feelings, and the Spirit, and keep them as much oriented towards the Church, personal revelations, and feelings that we feel we need to share by the Spirit. In the past, there have been testimony meetings where numerous people would stand, and say they were wanting to share their testimony, but instead talk about their newest vacation, or the like, we even had once where a person, without naming names actually chastised someone from the podium. Which I am grateful to our Stake Presidency to remind us in a polite way that Fast & Testimony meetings were just that, to Fast, Reflect and Pray, and Share our TESTIMONY of the Gospel!
So, in a small way, I would like to share a bit of my testimony now. I Believe with my whole heart that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true Church upon the Earth. I believe that Joseph Smith was called of God to be a Prophet in the Latter Days! I sustain Thomas S. Monson as a Prophet, and I look to him for guidance, as I do also look to my Stake and Ward Leaders, as they are called of God. I believe in the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and learn something new each time I read what is written that I can apply to my life. I know that our trials are necessary to be able to return to live with Heavenly Father, when our time here is done, and I know that the blessings are abundant if I remain faithful.
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