Friday, November 9, 2012

A peaceful moment during a stressful time!

Last night was wonderful!  Six Sister's from the Relief Society, including myself spent an evening together at the Twin Falls Temple.  What amazed me was that there was a Sister with us, whose primary language is not English, and despite that, the Holy Spirit was so strong that the language barriers were not an issue!  Once our session was complete and we were all gathered, that sweet Sister embraced each of us with such tenderness, it brought me so close to tears! 

After the week that I have endured, it was such a respite to go to the temple, and close out the rest of the world and just think spiritual thoughts, and ponder.  As always throughout my time there, I pray for those in my life who may need special blessings, but once I am in a session, I focus on who I am there for.  I always say specific prayers for the deceased Sister, that she might be open to learning what is being taught, and I focus on being there in that moment.  For me, that puts me in tune with the Holy Spirit more by putting her before myself, if that makes any sense. 

As we were leaving last night, we had attended the last session for the night and the cleaning was about to begin.  As we were all walking out the doors, I looked back to see the cleaning crew, all of whom are temple-worthy, and who volunteered part of their evening to complete this, but I noticed that they too were dressed all in white.  They were all wearing white hospital-style scrubs to clean.  I suppose only in the Holy Temple will you find that.  At every moment in the temple it is a time of reflection and introspection, even while sweeping, dusting and mopping.  What a wonderful thing.

Thanks for letting me share! 

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