Sunday, December 4, 2011

What to do when?

What do you do when you already know Christmas morning will be pretty barren? As I have found, you invent new traditions, along with finding a bargain wherever you can!
In years past, the Christmases have been pretty good ones, as far as gifts for the kids and others goes. We have always been generous with gifts for extended family in the past and the kids always got at least one "big" gift. Last year though, in order to accomplish that, Christmas was on Credit, and so we are now struggling to pay for last Christmas this year. So, this year for extended family, I started making homemade gifts back in March, which I have mentioned before, Jim and I are forgoing our individual gifts to each other to use his rewards points, and $25 cash to purchase a set of camping dishes that we can use this summer, for the extended family member that I "drew", they are getting $50 worth of gift cards that I used my grocery store points for, that I didn't pay for in a cash sense, I just had to spend a huge sum of money at the grocery store, and for the kids, I will be going to Walmart for their one big gift, of which there are still some good deals inspite being after the Black Friday sales are finished. And by big, I do not mean big in that sense, I mean a board game, a smaller Barbie doll, or coloring books, and new crayons. They will also be receiving a few clothing gifts that I will pick up at Deseret Industries this year. Just the idea is a humbling one, and I am nervous as to what their reactions will be, but it is just something we will have to face. But, we can do it together. There is more to Christmas than what is under the tree, and we are going to discover that as a family this year.

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